Friday, December 12, 2008

A few more The Wire moments...

A few more The Wire moments...

After listening to the /film podcast discuss three hours of this wonderful show, I decided to post some clips from the show. All these clips are on that podcast too.

The entire saga opens up with two people talking, a witness and a detective.

The scene is simple, it is a great way to open.

Chess discussion

One of the drug dealers discusses chess and the rules. As he's talking he realizes he's talking about the drug/street life. And, it turns out the guy talking about the rules ends up getting killed in the second season like these chess pieces.

Two teenagers end up killing their friend.

It's hard to see this young kid get killed. It is a sad moment. Btw, notice the 2Pac poster behind him.

Bodie's last moment...

This is the young kid that killed the child in the above clip and he even references the Chess pieces from the first clip on this post, three seasons later. He realizes he's just a pawn. He ends up getting killed just like the kid he killed in the first season.

The Stringer Bell and Avon gang crumbles

This is a great moment where Stringer reveals that he ordered the murder of the guy in the first clip that explained the chess game.

The final scene between Stringer and Avon

These two drug kings discusses their childhood and how their lives have turned out. Here's the kicker, they've both betrayed each other, now watch the scene over again to see it with that information. This is probably one of the best written and acted moments on the show. On the surface, it looks like a normal conversation between two friends, but it's actually a final conversation and they both know it.

Stringer Bell's final moments alive

I've posted this before, but here it is again.

This is an amazing scene. Because Avon, his best friend, betrayed him Stringer finds himself cornered by his biggest enemies. When Omar reveals that Avon betrayed him, Stringer Bell starts to tear up and a sense of defeat washes over his face. It's a sad moment, because you can tell he's given up on everything.

Here's the kicker, Stringer dies, but he gave Avon up to the cops before his end. So, Avon ends up back in jail.

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