Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Even more fun with terms…

Even more fun with terms…

Thanks to the Urban Dictionary I can learn new terms

booty grazing: Guys send generic, flirty texts to a bunch of potential hookups at one, to see who's up for a session, and pick from the girls who respond, all of whom believe they are the only one being texted.

Comment: I guess this is the version of carpet-bombing for a booty call right? If you throw a rock into a crowd, you’re bound to hit someone. So, I guess your chances of getting a Holla-back girl are high. What happens when you snag a dude in the process? Remember, you’re casting a huge net.

Economic Vegetarian: Only eating Vegatables because you can't afford to buy meat.

Comment: I can see this happening. Veggies are cheap.

bumper sticker activism: To tell the world what they should be doing and what you think by plastering your car with bumper stickers to that effect.

Comment: I hate these MF’ers. If I wanted to read about your stupid political views, I read your hippie or conservative blogs. Why force me to think about complex shit while I’m waiting at the light? And, what’s the deal with the Hipster call with rear end covered in bumper stickers?

I really hate the pro-life and pro-choice bumper stickers. While we’re at it, it is time to take down those McCain/Palin stickers.

Shoplift the Pooty: When a man sleeps with a single mother with a small child. Also, when a man expresses false adornment for a women's child in order to sleep with her.

Comment: You try to get in good with the child so you can have a stab (poor choice of words) at the MiLF. They don’t care about the child and simply want chick. I’ve seen a few guys do this move. Nope, I’ve never tried this move…yet.

putting lipstick on a pig: A term used by many, generally in reference to someone who may be trying to make something or someone look appealing or attractive when it quite clearly will not work, or will only deceive the dumbest of people.

Comment: Have you ever tried to put lipstick on a pig? I can imagine it being pretty hard to accomplish. Then after you’re done putting lipstick on a pig, what’s next?

Hell, we’re still trying to make pigs fly and we haven’t accomplished that either. Let’s get the lipstick on first and then make them fly.


  1. I always think of Jerry MacGuire when the term Shoplifting the Pooty comes up.

  2. I had no idea that term was in the movie. Now, I have to rent it again some time.
