Sunday, November 09, 2008

Under The Bridge: The Literal Version (Red Hot Chili Peppers)

Under The Bridge: The Literal Version


Once again, the guy making these videos does another great job rewriting the song for the literal version. I really like this Red Hot Chili Peppers song, but the original video is a little silly. I still think the second video is his best work, this is still entertaining.

(Original version:

I like Anthony Kiedis, a real talent. But for some reason, this dude can’t keep his shirt on. I bet he goes to Starbucks shirtless. He probably does those strange arm gestures and flexes when he makes his order. “I’d take a cappuccino and give it away, give it away, give it away now!”

Anyway, I loved the Slow-motion bit in the video. You have to wonder if slow-motion running is some kind of condition he has. Now, if we can get Kiedis breaking and falling out of a chair (Slow Motion), we’d be all set.

Make sure to check out this guy’s site (

His name is Dustin McLean, and he’s been interviewed by the Boston Globe. And check it out.


  1. That's pretty funny. I'd forgotten how cute Anthony K was with long hair. He can walk around shirtless for me anytime. (Slo-mo pecs!)

  2. lol, I just hate to hold a door open for him as he ran in slow motion. It would take forever.
