Saturday, November 15, 2008

This is strange

Just as a strange follow up, here's a video to the Sega CD.

What's the deal with the clay animation stuff?

Anyway, this goes into the strange videogame “Make My Video”.

I'm not even sure where to begin. In a strange way, Sony had something to do with the development of this 'make your own video' concept for Sega. But, this game has been rated as one of the worst games in history by certain sites.

Here's a play-through with the CC music video and re-editing. Is this the early 'after birth' of music videogames? I still can't give over the fact Sony published a game on a Sega console. Keep in mind, this was just before Sony and Nintendo started to work together to form a CD based videogame console.

When the Sega CD had things like this to offer, what was the reason for people to buy CD player expansion.

Man, these videos are bad.

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