Friday, November 14, 2008

The new Watchmen trailer

The new Watchmen trailer has surfaced, I have to say this is looking better and better.


Comment: I’ve read about 20 pages of the Watchmen comic book and I’m really digging it. I just hope enough people show up to see the movie.

The development of this movie is a long story, and actually it was in a longer development stage than Superman Reborn/Returns. There is so much legal red tape that I’m surprised its actually coming out.

Then there’s the Alan Moore issue with him completely distancing himself from the film. I know WB screwed Moore over a couple of times, but I think he should set aside his grudge against Hollywood and WB and watch the movie.

I hope this movie is good.


  1. While I would normally agree with your assessment of Alan Moore's unnecessary reclusiveness, the fact that Zak Snyder changed the ending to make it more "happy" really irritates me who has been defending this film from the get go, well since at least as long as it was definitely going to be released.

    Nevertheless, I think the Watchmen faithful will turn out to see it anyways, because while a bad ending CAN totally ruin a film (Deus ex Machina), curiosity alone should bring us out.

  2. I can will agree a bad ending can ruin a movie. And, I'd like to know why he felt he needed to change the ending.

    But, I'll give the movie a chance because the new might work, but you bring up a good point though.

    Thanks for dropping in.
