Sunday, November 30, 2008

Frank Miller Time

Top 15 WTF comic book moments and Frank Miller thoughts

Yes, the Spiderman Clone saga was stupid and the Frank Miller All Star Batman was and is beyond strange.

I’m still not even sure why Frank Miller thought no one wouldn’t go “WTF?”. Miller has sort of lost his mind of late, thinking that he can direct a major motion picture by himself. I still think his first Dark Knight Returns was one of the best stories out there.

I do like that he keeps putting the "he's the GD Batman" in all his issues now as if he's in on the joke. And, All Star Batman wasn't supposed to be a joke like he is claiming now.

His view of women isn’t exactly politically correct. Hey I like to look at pretty women too, but he writes women with as busty vixens that are self-centered and men hating. Go back and some of his other comics.

Man, The Spirit has a huge chance of stinking up the theater.

At the end of every rainbow, there is a chest of treasure and a strangely dressed Sam Jackson.
I still can't get over this line. It sounds like something one of my idiot co-workers would say, not an educated crime fighter.

Not bad, but still...

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