Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Top Five things that pissed me off this week…

Top Five things that pissed me off this week…

I know that I keep changing the damn name, but here I go.

5. Finding rocks in your shoes: Maybe it is me, but I find myself discovering rocks rolling around my shoes all the time. This forces me to stop in my walk and slip my shoe off to dump the rock out. How the hell do these rocks get in there? Is there a rock demon that appears and dumps rocks in your shoes to annoy you?

4. The colder seasons: Something about this time of year that just depresses me to no end. I hate the cold and I’m tempted to move to west with my brother just to avoid this weather. Where’s that global warming?

3. Joe the Plumber (or Plumper): I’m sick of hearing about people named ‘Joe’. This guy felt so compelled to speak his mind, yet isn’t really a plumber at all. Why go through all the trouble to stage this confrontation with Obama? This smells like a plant to me and a very bad one. Screw Joe Six-Pack too. (Is he a Republican?)

2. Madonna again: Okay, so you fell off a horse and was injured. What kind of emotional support did you want from your hubby? Did you want him to fall off a horse too? I think she has talent singing, but I’m sure she’s not the nicest person to live with. Moreover, what is with that fake accent? Please, can she retire already?

1. Men wearing crocs: Okay, I’ll give you a pass for wearing sandals, but crocs are out of the question. It looks like you’re wearing a pair of Swiss Cheese shoes. You’re a guy, a man baby, and you can’t stride around wearing cheese shoes. You lose man points for that. Enough with the metro-sexual junk guys. (I bet you get more rocks in your shoes than me.)

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