Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Superman's Dad dies (Current Continuity)

Superman’s Dad dies (in the current continuity)

((DC Comics has killed off Clark Kent's Earth father with a heart attack. In Action Comics #870, out Wednesday, Superman can't hear his mom's cries for help in time to save Jonathan Kent.))

Back in the older DC Comics continuity, both of Superman’s parent past away. And, the film continuity followed this storyline development. When the DC Universe was re-booted, they brought back Superman’s adoptive parents.

I always liked the fact Clark Kent had his parents to help guide him when he had doubts. And, it was an interesting counterpoint to Batman, who lost his parents. Superman would go to his father for advice.

I’ll give them credit for killing him off, and doing it the same way his father died in the movie.

((Older fans can be forgiven if they're having déjà vu: In the original Superman tales of the 1940s, his parents die of natural causes while he's still a teen. And in the 1978 "Superman" movie, Jonathan Kent, played by Glenn Ford, also dies of a bum ticker.))

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