Saturday, October 04, 2008

Random Things

Random Things

~As I drove away from school, I witnessed a guy on a bike riding downhill at a fairly fast speed. All of a sudden, he lost control he flipped off his bike. His body went rolling into the grass. Just as quickly as he fell, he jumped up and threw off his jacket. I never laughed so hard. He seemed to be okay, just a bit angry. I wish I had a camera.

~Oprah and 9000: A friend of mine showed me this weird meme about Oprah and the Over 9000 trend. Somehow, the Internet community has created a connection between Oprah and Dragon Ball Z.

~I just watched the first season of Dexter, and I have to say I really enjoyed it Now, there are a few problems I have with the last few episodes. But, I like the show though. I'll have to write a review soon.

~Ralph Nader: Congratulations, Ralph, you’ve just become a babbling old man that is out of touch with his once important issues. Nader was on Real Time with Bill Maher and he came across very poorly. I used to agree with him on a lot of things, but now I can’t stand the guy. For some reason Super Liberals want to feel good about themselves by voting for this guy. It’s a way to thumb their collective noses at the two-party system and it gives them bragging rights. When that happens, you get George Bush.

Yes, we need to break this two-party system. But, Nader running for President isn’t the way. Third parties need to happen at the ground level. Elect local people from your towns.

~Paul Blart: Mall Cop: Check out the trailer. This is a Happy Madison production, so it will probably suck big time. I’m still not sold on Kevin James, but the trailer is somewhat entertaining.

This has to do with my contempt with contracted security guards. Why is it the most physically and mentally out of shape people are in charge of keeping us safe? You can outsmart and outrun them. I should know, my loser father was a security guard.


  1. Keep on watching Dexter; Season 2 is even better.

  2. I can't wait to see next season. I'm really looking forward to it.
