Monday, October 13, 2008

Night Trap

Night Trap

The video below was made in 95 when Plato was still alive. It was a documentary on Night Trap and it has some rare outtakes from the game.

I really want to play this game simply because I heard how bad it was. I only knew one person that even bothered buying a Sega CD player. I’ve watched a great deal of it on Youtube, and I can’t believe how bad this game really was.

Here are two main problems with the game.

1. Dana Plato was the star of the game: Her starring in the was prime example someone really hitting it big on a show but destroyed her career with drug use and armed robbery. Plato never seemed to recover from all that.

2. Not much gameplay: The game was really made to show off the video capabilities of the CD Rom format. Keep in mind the game was intended for a canceled videogame system for Hasbro.

The game wasn’t that controversial in the actual content, but congress made sure it was. They even had a hearing on the game. When you look at GTA and that Hot Coffee controversy, Night Trap was rather tame by comparison. What was all the fuss about?

What was most revealing about the hearing was the way Nintendo threw Sega to wolves. Nintendo stated that the game would never show up on their consoles and wouldn’t meet their high standards. Un, so that Blues Brother 2000 video that came out on the N64 did meet your standards? I remember reading about that years ago.

Anyway, here are a few more videos of the actual “gameplay”

Dana is tricked: This one is by far the funniest of the bunch. I can't stop watching Dana fall through that trap door. You're given a choice to trap her in the end.

Night Trap, All Sequences - Part... 1

Part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

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