Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More Cool William Shatner videos!

More Cool William Shatner videos!

Shatner sells Commodores

Comment: Well, we all have to make ends meet right. Here he’s selling the Commodore Vic-20. I remember the Commodore 16 and 64, but I don’t recall this one. Note: They can’t even get the proper Special Effect for the ‘transporter’ in the advert. This was done in the 70 or early 80s.

DirectTV ad

Comment: There’s something disturbing about watching a 1991 Shatner body attached to a 2008 Shatner head.

Shatner playing with Shatner on Pyramid

Comment: I’m at a loss for words.

Takei vs Shatner on the Shatner Roast

George Takei brings the house down with his roast of Shatner. He was one of the best ones on the show. The best line, “Speaking of fat alcoholics, good evening, Bill.” Watch Takei’s face when he turns to Shatner. Its years of anger built up. That whole Takei roast was not an act. He really rips into him and it gets a little awkward. “F’ you and the horse you rode in on.”

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