Monday, October 27, 2008

Is the force strong with the Cincinnati Bengals?

Is the force strong with the Cincinnati Bengals?

While I’m not a sports fan, I have to say this one is freaking cool as hell. Some fan took the time and painted his stormtrooper outfit to the Cincinnati Bengals color orange. I like when people that take their favorite loves and mash them up.

Doing a bit more searching, I found the Bengals Stormtrooper has his own Myspace and takes pictures with fans from time to time. That's when he's shooting and missing Ewoks and Droids.

And there are a few videos of this guy out there. (here and here)

I usually dislike some of the more extreme fans or fanboys, but I really like this guy.

Here's hoping George Lucas doesn't send his a Lawsuit letter or Jar-Jar Binks

Side note: I've always suspected that the Galactic Empire was occupying the Unites Sates, given the video of their appearance in San Francisco and that they actually train their stormtroopers on Earth, my suspicions are true. When a Stormtrooper pours out a little liquor for his dead homies, how much does he pour out? Because that's two destroyed Death Stars full of stormtroopers.


  1. It is fitting that the Stormtrooper is a fan of the Bengals, as both the empire and the Bengals can't win when it counts.

  2. I heard they were a bad team. Perhaps they could use some clones in their lineup. It sort of worked for the empire, actually that didnt work too well for them either.
