Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ashley Todd: The crazy one

How did she get the black eye? Was it faked?

A John McCain supporter/worker admits to ‘making up’ the whole robbery/beating by a black man (AKA Obama supporter)

Holy smokes, what in the world went through this woman’s mind?

The local police have charged Ashley Todd with making a false police report. But that’s not the worst of it.

((The woman told investigators a man approached her Wednesday night at an ATM in Pittsburgh's East End, put a blade to her neck and demanded money, said Pittsburgh police spokeswoman Diane Richard.))

((Todd originally told police a man "punched her in the back of the head, knocking her to the ground, and he continued to punch and kick her while threatening to teach her a lesson for being a McCain supporter," according to a police statement.))

She made the entire story up, stating that a black man attacked her and cut a backwards “B” onto her cheek. This is the worst case of race baiting I’ve ever seen in my life. One has to wonder if she’s using the ‘crazy card’ to keep herself out of jail. Plus, we forget that she turned herself in, admitting to the entire lie.

Then again, she somehow scratched an “B” into her face. That is more than a little off to me. And the fact a 20 year-old woman would think this plan would work doesn’t give her points in the sane department.

If she is of full body and mind, at what great lengths would some go to keep Obama out of office? It sickens me that she played up on the fear of race in this election.

I’m sure more info will be revealed as time passes, but right now it doesn’t really add up.

This is the kind of woman you'd take home to mom, right?

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