Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Random Thoughts

So, there is one powerful ring out there that can control all of the other Purity rings, correct?

Random Thoughts

~I can add another reason to hate MTV and their overblown video Music Awards show. They gave Britney Spears three awards. For what, doing a horrible job being a mother?

~I really need to get the back episodes of Stargate and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Every fanboy seems to like the show. I just have to square away some time to watch it.

~Just because Kim Jong II suffered a stroke, it doesn’t mean the governmental structure will be still around after he’s gone. Look at Cuba. Then again, North Korea is run badly and is in a far worst state than Cuba. These people might actually welcome reunification.

~I just worked with my Arabic tutor and she looked cute. She kept teaching me words, and I kept staring at her low cut outfit. She’s smart and cute, so it is very hard to focus in on her words when I’m focused in on her rack. But, I am learning the words better.

~Jonas Brothers and Purity rings: So, now not getting laid is okay and is represented by a stupid ring. Does this mean nerds can use this as an excuse for not ‘getting some’ in high school.

Perhaps, this would have helped Sarah Palin's daughter from getting knocked up.

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