Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mr. T and his oven, foo

Mr. T and he’s packing heat

Why, Mr. T? Why?

Now, he’s following in Chuck Norris and Hulk Hogan’s footsteps. Like Hulk Hogan, this guy was my hero in the 80s, now he’s doing Infomercials. Cooking infomercials are some of the worst things on TV, that and those Girls Gone Wild Videos. Why would I take cooking advice from an ex-boxer, wrestler or actor? Did they really have something to do with actual design of the ovens? I don’t think so.

I was thrilled when Mr. T was doing those snickers ads, but this is a new low for even him. (Yeah, even lower than him break dancing and rapping.)

If you don’t have Mr. T punching people in the face or shouting, then I’m not happy. I’d buy his oven if he went around punching everyone the set, shouting, “Shut up, fooo.”

(Source Filmjunk)

Here's the site. The image of Mr. T's and that expression is just disturbing. It's like he's trying to hold back the tears of shame.

1 comment:

  1. He is the Man. I'd love to hear him yell at me from my GPS system.
