Monday, September 01, 2008

Here’s that newer Dharma Orientation video (Lost)

Here’s that newer Dharma Orientation video (Lost)

I freaking love this video. It also hints at more time travel.

A few things worth noting

~I have to agree with Nikki that it is Daniel Faraday filming the video. It’s clearly his voice.

~Nikki clears up what she meant by Dr. Candle being an actor in her post with her comments. He is not really an actor but a real doctor.

~ Marvin Candle has both of him arms in this video. This means this happened before the incident with hatch.

~Who’s the baby?

~So, how was Faraday throw back 30 years? Could it have something to do with him being stuck out in the water when the island disappeared? The writers did say he was returning, but the other people on his little boat were toast.

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