Sunday, August 10, 2008

Stephen Tobolowsky

Stephen Tobolowsky on the Slash Film Podcast

(Interview about his career and roles)

Until recently, I was never aware of this guy's name, just the characters he played. The man has some fascinating things to say about movies. While I don’t agree everything he says, he does sum up the Matrix sequels nicely.

His interview portion reveals many things about the time on the set of Groundhog Day. He mentions Bill Murray that could make a set uneasy depending on how he felt and that Murray liked to pick on people. This reminded me of the fight between Murray and Lucy Lu on Charlie's Angels.

He's done everything from voice acting to comedies. Most people will remember him from Groundhog Day. You know the annoying guy that kept saying “Phil?” in the movie. He played him so annoying that even I wanted to hit him in the movie. (Plus, he's that guy on Heroes)

Great moment.


  1. I put him and Austin Pendelton(sp?) in the same category of character actors.

  2. Yeah, you're right. These guys don't get enough credit because they're character actors.

    I had completely forgotten about Austin Pendelton. (loved his role on OZ)
