Tuesday, August 12, 2008

More info

And, the plot thickens...

Anyone that's a long time reader of this site knows that there are a few blog post that have gotten me some unwanted attention (Cheerleaders and a certain female drunk driver), but one that really hit home was the post about the guy that murdered an unarmed man in the middle of a restaurant parking lot. I found myself talking to the police over it and so on.

What's crazy is the fact this post has been used in court documents and has pissed off some people at work. But, it should be noted also that some people have left comments on the post. Two of them seem to be from people that knew him. (One attacks me)

Well, yesterday someone else left a comment on the post and this one really shocked me and I felt bad for them. This person went after the two Anon comments. And this person was really upset, and rightfully so. I have to agree with this person. (Keep in mind, I didn't write the comment. Okay, Lawyers?)

So, read on below.

((I don't know Ray but I know the victim's family and it was MY family. What a price to pay for "SNAPPING". Now my granddaughter has NO FATHER!! My daughter has NO HUSBAND and his, LARRY'S parents have NO SON, etc. on and on.


It's time for RAY to own his responsibility for his actions for SNAPPING!!!!


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