Saturday, August 02, 2008

Facebook water fight with a real fight

This is why I don't like Facebook or Myspace or some of the people behind it

Here's the news story as reported.

During a water fight, an attractive girl decided to throw fruit juice on a dude with a white T-shirt.

((It was intended as a fun way to cool down in the blistering heat, but tempers flared after the girl doused a young man with a fizzy drink.

After covering his T-shirt with the red liquid she ran away laughing, but her victim failed to see the funny side.

He chased her and punched her in the face, knocking her off her feet and leaving her helpless on the ground. ))

Is this one of those if they bring water guns you bring a bottle of juice. If they bring bottles of juices, you punch them in the face things?

Anyway, why did the guy get so pissed off? It’s just a t-shirt, so get over it. Did you really need to punch her off her feet? (Talk about sweeping a girl off her feet.)

Was it really necessary, white t-shirt guy?

If a girl in a wet shirt/top splashed me with fruit juice, I wouldn’t hit her in the face with my fist. I’d ask her for her phone number (Myspace? Damn it.). If a young lady is willing to stain your white t-shirt, she’s into you. Not so much when you punch her in the face. I mean the shirt is only going to cost you 4-7 bucks.

BTW, will she blog about this incident on her facebook?

What the hell?

Somehow, she was able to hold on to her juice bottle.

Note the reactions on his friends’ faces in this picture.


  1. I would nominate him for the douchebag of the year (non-celebrity) prize.

  2. Absolutely, this guy is a major douche bag. I’d love to find out his real name.
