Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bully takes the stage

Cyberbullying is wrong?

Taken from the Urban Dictionary:

((A phrase to describe the use of such entities as myspace, youtube, or any form of chat/free online discussion for the purpose of trash-talking one's peers. Used often by ill-informed middle aged "experts" such as teachers, soccer moms, liberal politicians, social workers, and school administrators who seek to demonize and censor myspace or any other free web usage.

Cyberbullying is often played up as a major threat to youth, although only a very small percent of young internet users are actually offended by others' trash talk and take it to heart enough to actually consider it bullying. And, as so often happens, a few ruin it for the rest of us. ))

I swear the Ad Council has some of the worst ads possible, but this one is freaking funny as heck. It's a talent show, and a girl steps up on stage and starts to insult another child (Patty) in front of the rest of the student body.

Patty takes all the insults like a wimp, when instead she should have went up there with a steel chair and hit her over the head. How do you stop a bully? You make sure he/she knows that you're not the one to be messed with.

Best line: “Patty's best characteristics? She's stupid. Stupid and ugly.”

That's what I call getting pwned, Patty. I actually feel bad for Patty. At first it's funny, but then switches to mean spirited. For some strange reason Patty looks happy when the other girl steps up on the stage, as if she was going to say something nice. Come on, Patty.

Btw, you have to wonder if these people making these ads know that their ads don't come across the way they intended. Most kids are a-holes anyway, I don't believe this ad will make them stop.

Is Cyberbulling that bad now? (Okay, maybe I'm not the best person to be asking that now, cough, cough.)

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