Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Spree Time

Remember Driving around on one of these?

I'm kid from the 80's and I grew up in an interesting time. Mayren did a throwback post about those crazy but cool Trapper Keeper folder holders. It's strange when items seem to thrust us back to our childhood and teenager days. We seem to look back at how simpler it was.

Well, I decided to recall my own throwback thing. It's called the Spree Scooters. Back in the 80's in my end of town, all the cool kids that could afford a scooter, got a lot of tail. The Spree Scooters had a slick appearance to them, hell they almost look like a cousin to the Knight Rider car.

(Of course not to be confused with the candy Spree.)

Looking at them today, I can't help but think that they look rather ugly. I remember the girls would drive around on the pink ones.

Today, all the cool people that rode on the scooters have been replaced with skinny emo guys with tight pants and bad haircuts. If you're real lucky, you'll catch that the really fat fanboy/comic book guy riding around on something that is too small for him too.

It's kind of strange to see a different group of people driving them today.

By the way, it looks like someone is selling one of those Sprees from 1986.

Me being a lame kid, I never got one, but I still fondly remember these things. It's probably a good thing I didn't, because something tells me I would have messed something up riding that thing.

I just had a damn brown Huffy bike and a Trapper Keeper with Garbage Pale Kids stickers.

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