Monday, July 21, 2008

random things (Rave party!)

Glow lights and laser beams make a rave right?

Random Things

~While walking along the streets of Louisville at night, I heard a woman yelling as loud as she could. She kept saying, “G-damn it!” every few seconds. She crossed the street and kept yelling the same thing repeatedly. I tried my best to distance myself from this crazy woman just in case God felt like punishing her; I didn’t want to become collateral damage. Just in case…hey I’m agnostic.

~Here's funny spoof on Myspace and Dane Cook: It's like Tom from Myspace tries to convince this guy into logging into myspace again. Tila Tequila even shows up. As a planet, we have come to this.

~This is the first Strong Bad email I watch and I was hooked. It was the techno email from Silent J. I always make fun of techno and this video pretty much sums up how I feel about it. Here's a DDR remixed, and I like it. Who knew you could remix this to DBZ? BTW, the system is down!

~Speaking of techno, there is only one Techno song that rules today! Flawless victory! I feel like yelling out Mortal Kombat in a crowded mall.

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