Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Please stand up

Dude sues Slim Shady over a beat down that happened 2 years ago.

First, this whole lawsuit sounds stupid. It happened nearly two years ago.

((Miad Jarbou is seeking over $25,000 in damages after claiming that he was punched by Eminem in the toilet of ‘Cheetahs’ strip club in Detroit, Michigan in July 2006.))

There are a few problems with this story

1. Miad claims that his friend saw Eminem enter the restroom and greeted him. Uh, I don't care who you are, but you don't make contact with any other man in the bathroom in a strip club. There are too many freaks around (Not the female variety). If you want to meet him, wait outside the bathroom and let the man piss in peace.

2. This happened two years ago. Why bring up an apparently sour subject again other than to get money? You received a beat down and sat on it for two years. It's time move on. This is one of those encounters that you keep to yourself.

3. For all we know, the person that punched you was really his alter ego Slim Shady

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