Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Obama is Paris Hilton Spears?

Okay, this is just dumb… I never thought of Obama as a male version of Paris Hilton

When you compare Obama to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, your campaign has run out of ideas. Are they saying that Obama is a white chick that sings usually bad pop songs and goes to jail for drunk driving?

What the hell? Attack someone on the issues, fine. But compare them to a chick who makes multiple sex tapes and a girl that attacks people with her car, I don’t think so. This sounds like an idea from some college student.

Even some Republicans from McCain's own circle are attacking this latest move.

John Weaver had this to say about the ads

((With the release today of a McCain television ad blasting Obama for celebrity preening while gas prices rise, and a memo that accuses Obama of putting his own aggrandizement before the country, Weaver said he's had "enough."

The ad's premise, he said, is "childish."))

Here's the best part, the Hilton family donated money to McCain's campaign! That means McCain's camp took their money and then made a mockery of their daughter to the entire nation. Now, that's not just dumb, but pretty damn stupid.

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