Monday, July 14, 2008

Heroes (season one) (2 of 3)

Well, at least she did not take sexually comprising pictures of herself like a certain other cheerleader...

Heroes Season 1

The Story

What I found interesting about the story was the way the writers were able to carry all the diverse storylines and keep it all entertaining. In many ways, the idea of these humans with super powers is a lot like the X-Men and the mutants. We get to see what happens to these people as they discover and handle their superpowers.

The story had such a good build up that the ending never could live up it. And that’s probably where the story faltered for me. We get to see most of the superheroes all together, but it feels a bit rushed with the confrontation with Sylar.

I would also like to add that the Sylar storyline ended up getting increasingly fascinating as the story went along. He was truly a badass comic book character.

The payoff could have been handled better, and the direction they went with the second season didn’t help matters either. (I’m only into the second season by 3-4 episodes so far.)

The Special Effects

I thought most of the special effects were good for a TV show. The standout stuff was certainly the healing and damage Claire Bennet took throughout the season. The special effects they used to show her healing up were neat. Sometimes, they were bit too real and gruesome.

The flying scenes are done well too. I really can’t complain too much, the FX is very good for a TV budget, especially when you look at shows like Mutant X and other shows from the earlier days of the 90s and 2000s.


  1. i liked heros's in general, but i was sort of disappointed by the ending... it was too calm for my liking, especially with the really scary visions of new york going nuclear. that woulda been something to watch.

  2. Yeah, the ending felt like a rush job, but I do like the concept of changing the future and people work together.

    We got a bit of that dark future in that alt-future episode though.

    I've notice some of that story will be back for the 3rd season.
