Tuesday, June 03, 2008

yet more terms

Fashionably Late: The refined art of being just late enough (5 minutes or so) to give the impression that you are a busy, popular person that was held up with other business.

Being late because you’re busy is fine, this happens to me all the time. But, many famous or popular people do it to be noticed. When you show up later than everyone else, everyone will greet you and make a big thing out of your arrival.

attention spam: A condition resulting in a failure to process basic facts or comprehend common knowledge, due largely to having a mind full of useless information.

Sadly, this pretty much is me currently. I will fill my head with useless pop culture that I will forget people’s names and basic things. But if a person ends up asking me a question about Knight Rider or Star Wars, I will spring into action and quickly answer the question.

Early Nerd Special : Midnight showing on the day of release of a highly-anticipated film, typically of the science-fiction/fantasy genre.

Ha-ha, I know these people. It’s usually a large group of lonely men standing outside a theater waiting to get tickets. There are nearly zero women in the group and these guys are lacking in the hygiene department.

I can safely say I haven’t done this before. I’ve been to midnight showings, but not the day of the release.

Then again, I am that geek that shows up to theaters by myself

Poopsock: A vital part of any dedicated EverQuest player's equipment. A poopsock eliminates the need to go all the way to the bathroom, which wastes valuable levelling time.

Are you serious? This is real? Uh, what about the smell? Where does the sock go after it has been used?


  1. I am just thinking about the physics of trying to poop in a sock... it really boggles my mind.

  2. I have to wonder if it is even possible. Put, what about the margin of error? Messy

    I can't believe there are people out there that do this.

  3. A couple of my friend are always late, which I hate because I'm always early. Now I try to compensate for their lateness by telling myself to meet them at a later time, but I'm still earlier than they are.

    Poopsocks? Man, that is just nasty!

  4. I try my best to get there just in time, but I always tend to be late.

    You could get them back by showing up late for their meeting. Then again, since they're late too, you'll end up getting there on time.
