Monday, June 02, 2008

Random Bits

Random Bits

~I finally found an English music video from Alizée. The shocker is that she's actually wearing some pants. She's usually wearing next to nothing or in some underwear getup. While she certainly can't sing, she looks good trying.

~I was walking through the city last night. I walked along the sidewalk near a strip club (heterosexual) and a male gay dance club. Near the clubs, two sheriff department officers were walking down the sidewalk as well. Suddenly, I discovered that my left foot slipped in something soft and sticky, nearly sending me to the ground. I had to catch my balance, and I realized I nearly slipped and fell because of a puddle of puke.

I looked back and said, “That's not good, I just stepped in something and I don’t know what the hell it was either.”

The sheriff guys laughed at me, while looking back the puddle of mouth crap.

I almost fell on my ass because of puke.

~I just finished watching Hook, and this movie certainly hasn’t aged that well. But, then again it wasn’t that good to begin with.

~Morgan Freeman: Happy Birthday to him, he’s 71. 71 and still looks good.

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