Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Pork and Beans: Roll that Beautiful bean footage

Pork and Beans (That music video with all those YouTube folk)

Weezer has this new song out, which is pretty good, but the video is actually even better. Somehow, these guys have rounded up some Internet celebrities and brought them all into this video.

While I enjoyed seeing most of them, I could have done without Chris Crocker. Can the world open up and swallow him?

Well, I wanted to direct you to this blog that details everyone that shows up in the video. The list is extensive.

Now, are these the same girls from the Daft Bodies video or are they just look-a-likes? I looked everywhere to discover their identities, but I've come up dry. I'm certain they're either college cheerleaders or members of a dance team. They have that type of body.

I also wasn't aware that there was another video like this by the Barenaked Ladies as well.

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