Monday, June 09, 2008

Funny GTA IV prank call

Funny GTA IV prank call

There are Street Preachers in the game that rant and rave at you. They’re dressed like Malcolm X and yell at you.

The reactions from the prank callers are hilarious. One guy, at first, talks to him and then gets angry.

It looks like someone in the development department watched Spike Lee’s film and thought it’d be a neat idea to add this character.

He’s says a lot of things, check out this video too


  1. See, I thought it was a Farrakhan riff myself.

  2. I can see that, but I remember the scenes where Malcolm X would go around and preach to people on the streets kind of like this guy. But I can see your point too. He has the Malcolm X glasses.

    Strangely enough, the guy in the game sounds more like a black Christian minister than member of the Nation of Islam, which he's dress as.

    It is an interesting mixture.
