Monday, May 26, 2008

Random Bits

Yo, Dog, where can I get one of these t-shirts.

Random Bits

~I went to a Mexican restaurant with some friends Saturday night, and I really had a good time. The restaurant was actually owned by a Mexican family, so the food was really good. There’s nothing like having a steak arrive with smoke and steam coming from the plate. The waiter had to wear oven pits when he served us.

It’s a good thing.

Later on, we ended up watching Juno at their house. Two of us had already seen the movie, but two of them hadn’t. It was interesting watching them watch the movie for the first time. Honest to blog…

~Steve Ballmer receives an egg attack: The guy that throws the eggs at the over-sized douche bag doesn't seem to have good aim. Steve hides behind his desk as the eggs splatter harmlessly onto the large screen behind him. I think the protester made Ballmer's speech a heck of a lot more interesting. I also like the awkward silence after he's done protesting and he just stares at a frightened Ballmer. Dude, you’re supposed to run after throwing the eggs, because standing there just becomes strange.

Please, someone needs to make some Microsoft = Corruption t-shirts.

You can read more here and here.

~What are the least plausible jobs for Steven Seagal?: It seems like he's had every job possible in his movies. But, I want to see him take on Energy Drink maker and Janitor.


  1. Yeah, when you go to hit someone with some eggs, get the job done and get out of there quick... that gentleman did neither.

  2. Lol, That was a major failure.

    I wonder what happened to him though
