Monday, May 05, 2008

The Outrageous Joe Piscopo

“They say time is the fire in which we burn.”

Damn it, Joe hasn’t aged that well.

Unfunny Man Joe Piscopo was in Louisville and I missed him.

I would have asked a few questions; mostly they will have to with his appearance in Star Trek TNG: The Outrageous Okona.

Forget his work on SNL, “what was it like working with Data?”

He’s always claimed that he gets more questions about his appearance on Star Trek TNG than anything else he’s done. When your career highlight is dancing on stage with an android, that's a give in.

(BTW, he was a last minute replacement for Jerry Lewis on that episode, which Jerry was busy working on Wiseguy. Piscopo would do an impression of Lewis in the episode.)

~This was also the episode Teri Hatcher showed up in with Billy Campbell (The Rocketeer)

~I like that Data asked the computer to bring up the funniest comedian, and it brought up Joe Piscopo. Piscopo, really? Was the holodeck malfunctioning again?

And, now I leave you with this great quote: Okona: "Life is like loading twice your cargo weight into your space craft. If it's canaries and you can keep half of them flying all of the time, you are all right."

I’m not sure what he means, but I want that on a Hallmark card.

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