Friday, May 02, 2008

A Night in Sickbay

Okay, not everything about this episode isn't bad, and I'm not looking at the Captain or the dog.

A Night in Sickbay

The Agony Booth rips through another Star Trek episode this time an Enterprise episode. This one is famous for being pretty lame and Walker goes through many good reasons why. He also brings up the reason Enterprise failed as a series. I personally think the show would have worked if Berman took a backseat and let someone new into the development process from the get go. It was stupid to add new blood into the show after the show was run into the ground.

Braga needed to leave Trek altogether because he pretty much ruined VOY forever. Braga always had this notion of making Voyager the X-Files of Star Trek. (I’m not kidding.) When Jeri Taylor and Michael Piller battling on whose vision of Voyager was going to be on screen, Braga waited in the wing for his time to shine. Taylor and Piller both left the show and Braga was promoted to showrunner. While the show certainly had an edge under the Braga years, the continuity and writing faltered. This ‘not giving a shit’ carried over to Enterprise.

So what was this episode about?

Read on from

((After previously offending the Kreetassans, Enterprise attempts to make a better second impression, only to upset the alien race once again. A frustrated Captain Archer returns from the planet only to be further upset to find that his dog Porthos, has been affected by a pathogen native to the world. While Phlox works around the clock treating Porthos, Archer stands vigil in sickbay, experiencing first-hand the quirky everyday life of his Deobulan Doctor.))

Yes, it’s The Odd Couple in space. This kind of lazy storytelling was the usual under Braga’s camp. Could you imagine the backlash NuBSG would get if they did an episode like this? I’ll give him this; it had no weird time paradox crap in it.

Keep in mind, every Sci-fi show did “a day in the life” episode, but none of them involved a guy sitting in sickbay with his dog. It was certainly a sitcom script turned into an hour-long episode.

I could say something dirty here, but use your own dirty imagination.

Makeup Department: “Let’s see how close we can come to the Psychlo makeup from Battlefield Earth without getting sued.”

Side note: The Scott Bakula Fan Club has to be comprised of women over 40. Am I right?

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