Friday, May 30, 2008

Lost again! (Spoilers)

Looks like someone is a little pissed off about the way Lost ended last night (Spoilers)

There were many shocking moments in the last episode, but Harold Perrineau isn't happy about the ending.

And, I don't blame him. They seemed to have short-shafted his character a bit, but there is a back-door opening for him. This could all be a well-orchestrated misdirection on the producers' part.


  1. wait... last episode?

    do you mean it's finally over?????

    i watched the first season and a few episodes of the second one, then kept getting impatient waiting for each coming episode, so i just decided to stop watching it till the whole thing is finished, then ill go out and buy the whole set...

    so its over? or is it just this season thats over?

  2. That's my fault I chose the wrong wording. It's just the season final.

    I there are two more seasons left after this one. (15-18 episodes each season)

  3. I felt both Michael and Jin got cut off the show pretty suddenly, but whenever there is time travel involved with any show, anything is possible, and a send off by Christian Shepard, who is supposedly "dead" could, throw Micheal a lifeline.

    this episode did have the best line of the season though.."Thanks for the game Mr. Ekko."


  4. That's true time travel could very well save those two. I think Jin is probably dead.

    And I loved the Mr. Eko bit too!

    I'll try to get around to writing a review
