Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A look back

Karate vs. Kung fu


Way back when I was a little unhappy child, my parents forced me to take up karate. I was a lonely child that didn’t want to take up anything. I just wanted to dwell around the backyard and use my imagination, to basically to be alone.

My father forced the karate lessons on me, and it ended with me hating every moment of it. I didn’t want to be there, so I made sure everyone knew it too. Eventually, my parents got the hint and I stopped going.

Looking back at it now, I do realize the power involved in Karate. I wonder if I should have tried harder and stuck with Karate. I wonder what kind of person I would have been back when I was young. Would it have made my childhood easier to bear?

Above is a video of the two styles fighting each other. I enjoyed it.

The link below will give you more information on the differences between Karate and Kung Fu.


Sweep the leg


  1. sweep the leg?
    Boot to tha head.

    (plz tell me you know that bit?!)

  2. Where's that from? Now, I'm curious.
