Saturday, April 19, 2008

Random Bunch

Random Bunch

~The only thing the aftershocks effected were some of the streetlights. The quake reset them and they just blinked red. Some people blew right through not knowing that you’re supposed to stop.

~I’m almost done this semester; I just have to do a rewrite and create a web site using HTML and CSS. Btw, I love CSS.

~ Chocolate Rain 8Bit Remix: I can see this being in a Mega Man game. Plus, there’s a Rick Rolled version too.

~Anyway, here’s a Jay-Z VS Super Mario remix. You have to hear this remix. It’s good. Check out the Yoshi drums toward the middle of the song. You want more: Here’s Daft Punk with 50 Cent and Timberlake remix. It works, strangely enough.

~ Here's a cool mash-up of children songs all done in Aceppella: I like it, and it brings back memories.

~I know the GI Joe movie will suck big time, but I like the picture of Scarlet and the rest of the crew, with the exception of Marlon Wayans . And, I know that Marlon wanted to do the movie because he grew up on GI Joe. But The Rock as Shipwreck? Hmm...


  1. So we may perhaps see a redesign in your future?

  2. lol, maybe some small changes. I really suck at it, but I love the simple nature of CSS.

    Plus, I'm too lazy.

  3. Since you are on the older blogger template system, I am in a position to help you out.
