Sunday, April 13, 2008

Need help with a project

I need some help with a paper.

I am writing a trend story for Flash Animation. It involves me having three sources (interviews). If anyone reading this post minds answering a few questions about your Flash Animation viewing experiences, feel free to e-mail me back here (

I just need your name (it will only be used for my assignment) and the country/state you live in. (my teacher might e-mail you back to confirm the story)

Here are the questions,

What flash cartoons do you watch?

Why do you find yourself drawn to those series?

Why do you think Internet flash animation has gotten so big lately?

What do you get out of flash animation compared to normal TV animation?

(Btw, I just interviewed one of the most important people involved in flash animation today. And he was really cool.)

The project is due on Monday, but I can take e-mails up to 9AM on Monday.


  1. If you have my email, drop me a line with those questions.

  2. Thanks, I used the e-mail address in your profile.

    This will help a lot
