Thursday, April 03, 2008

The Moron Saga

McPherson’s own site.

Internet Justice saves some of the tech items that were stolen from a guy's house. Some kids broke into Jesse McPherson's house and stole his Xbox, labtop, and TV. They made off with these items and never thought they'd be caught. The story says that one of his roommates was in the house when it happened, but hid upstairs. (Yeah, if you have no way to defend yourself, don’t confront the thieves.)

Of course the police didn't do anything and pretty much didn't care about the crime. (Hey, they're too busy stopping people for speeding and making illegal turns. It should be noted that there are a few cops that do care.)

Well, McPherson did some of his own detective work and discovered the identity of one of the thieves. But it doesn’t end there, some douche bag called him out on Xbox live bragging about the fact that he stole his videogame system. Being the clever guy that he was, McPherson recorded the message. That was when the Internet public went to work and did more detective work than the actual police.

He explains the story in greater detail here.

Here's the video of the fartknocker that bought the Xbox from the guy that stole it. He's one of those white guys that tries hard to act black, whatever that means. I find these guys to be the most insulting people in the world. Is talking in broken English and wearing sagging pants supposed to make one Black? (KINGSIKE11, take in any culture, but don't make a mockery of it.)

I guess it doesn't come to any surprise KinGSIKE11's mother isn't the smartest person in the world. It's no wonder that her little son got into taking stolen items…and rapping badly.

Here's the FOX news video of the story: The best part is when FOX news makes fun of his rapping skills. Btw, the female newscaster is hot!

Here's a response to the whole saga.

After noticing all the media coverage, it looks like arrests are finally going to be made in the case. The Xbox and Laptops were returned, but no sign of the TV screen.

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