Monday, April 07, 2008

Box Office Jam

Brand new sequel: Horton hears a fart...

Box Office Jam

There really hasn’t been anything that has caught my eye since Cloverfield, but here are the Box Office numbers.

  1. 21 (2008) $15.1M $45.5M: Maybe it’s me, but I don’t see anything that’s appealing to me. I was hoping this was a flux sequel to the show 24, but I guess not. I don’t see a connection between Jack Bauer and a bunch of snotty nosed hipsters.
  2. Leatherheads (2008) $13.5M $13.5M: George Clooney seems to be pissed off at the WGA, but who cares. I might check this one out on DVD. Please, Clooney, enough with the nodding and grinning bit.
  3. Nim's Island (2008) $13.3M $13.3M: What the heck? This movie came out of nowhere. I’ve never heard of this movie. I probably will skip this one.
  4. Horton Hears a Who! (2008) $9.1M $131M: This movie has become a huge hit. I’m sure it beats the movie Cat in the Hat. Cat in the Hat has something going against it; a Paris Hilton cameo. I’m not joking.
  5. The Ruins (2008) $7.84M $7.84M: Keep in mind this movie has boobies and a R-rating. I heard this was a pretty good horror flick, but I’m sure all the PG-13 horror movies have pretty much ‘ruined’ the horror market. I also think the torture porn movies haven’t helped either.


  1. I'm looking forward to see Jim Sturgess in 21, he was great in The Other Boleyn Girl

  2. Keep in mind that I've been hearing some bad things about 21 through reviews. So,you might have to endure a bad movie.

  3. i keep hearing about 21, and its supposedly amazing, but i really dont see much in it... its just about a guy who keeps winning at blackjack?

  4. It's loosely based on a true story. A group of college students figured out a "card counting" trick to beat the system. Actually, I think there are a few other groups that used their technique
