Friday, March 07, 2008

When Bus Drivers attack

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When Bus Drivers attack

I don’t know who to side with in this confrontation. All I have to say is that I am so glad that I’m not in High School anymore. And, I’m not a high school teacher. Here's the teenager girl that got into with the bus driver. The bus driver still has her job and has been reassigned.

Here are a few points worth mentioning;

  1. Sorry, if the child didn’t touch or attack you, don’t touch that child or man handle that child. I feel for the bus driver, because the child was being a total ass, plus her chubby friend was annoying too.
  2. The daughter of the bus driver receives some points for defending her mother from the other woman. You go, girl.
  3. I wouldn’t pay that much for a cell phone, but I guess that’s what being a spoiled teenager is all about.
  4. This is the reason I will never become a teacher. People’s kids are bad.

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