Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry

It’s is a movie about straight people acting like their gay. The concept is simple as that.

Now, let me say this: I don’t care about the political messages both sides of the argument say about the central message behind this film. I don’t know if this film helps or harms the gay cause, that’s not why I watched the film. It’s an Adam Sandler film, so don’t look too deep into it, okay. Poop and sex jokes rule in the Sandler Universe, and sometimes at the same time.

However, what I have a problem with is the sheer large amount of unfunny scenes in this movie. The story just doesn’t “Click” for me. It feels like they threw too many subplots into the film without trying to flesh out the main storyline a bit. Come on, straight guys trying to act gay could have been a funny movie. I know that the concept is funny, but it is just the execution of the story is sloppy.

Did we really need the running gag of Kevin James’ son being gay in the movie? Was it really necessary? It is never paid off during the story, except for a goofy moment where his son hits a bully in the nuts and then does a dance move. What in the hell? And it is scenes like this one that just make watching this movie frustrating. It never attempts to keep on the main story.

This isn’t Adam Sandler’s worst performance, but it isn’t his funniest either. I kind of liked the womanizing nature of this guy. But, he’s not given much to work with in the script too, so his character falls flat. But, hey, he sleeps with the exceptionally hot Tila "Tequila" Nguyen (She’s a Hooters girl in the story), so that helps too. I can’t say the same about his ‘partner’ though.

Kevin James is a little bit more annoying, while Dan Aykroyd is a bit underused. The whole Ving Rhames storyline was way over the top, not to mention the prolonged “drop the soap” scene was just bad. (Watch the third Naked Gun movie for a better ‘Drop the Soap scene’).

The movie isn’t as bad as people make it out to be. And, when you add the ‘gay’ issue, everyone on both sides will come out of the woodwork and make it ‘an issue’, instead of seeing if this film is even any good. And that’s the thing, this movie isn’t that good, but it certainly is not Norbit bad either.

It’s just a dull film, and Sandler should consider taking a different course in his career, because the 90s are over. The man hasn’t changed his movie style since “Happy Gilmore”.

Grade: C-

Rob Schneider being in the film grade: F- (You can’t do it)

Now, all we need is Hitch to show up and give these two dating advice.

Dan Aykroyd: “Listen, I can only this: I am sorry for making Blues Brothers 2000, really.”


Adam Sandler: “Hey, where’s that super remote that can fast-forward through the boring parts of my life?”

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