Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Heck Wyrm (He's hell)

Hell Wyrm


Yeah, this dragon (optional boss) battle will take you hours to complete. Why is the battle so long? Well, because this dragon has 8.5 million hit points. Yes, he is only the second creature in the game that has the highest amount of HP. I still haven’t defeated him yet, but I will. I’ve barely taken off any HP from this bad boy.

Good news is this; you can leave the battle at anytime and save your game, or go on with your game. That means his HP won’t restore over time, and you can finish the battle at anytime.

He’s not too hard, but he does tend to attack one character non-stop until they die.

This is preparing me for a bigger battle (more HPs) coming up ahead with another side boss.

(Note: Omega Mark XII in the Japanese version had over 10 million HP, but the North American version has been reduced to one million.)

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