Thursday, January 24, 2008


Here are a few videos that caught my eye.

Soulja Boy done by Save by the Bell (?)

Was the show really full of so many dorks? I can't believe people liked this show. I heard the show is coming back. Is this true? Anyway, I liked this one for about the first 2 mins

Wiggles - Humpty Dance

Okay, this one is brilliant. I can't believe how well this one fits with song. You have to see this video. Those were some tight moves by the Wiggles. I have to learn them. Straight gangsta mack!

Crank That Kosha Boy

What in the hell?


  1. Wiggles Humpty Dance is awesome in every way. There are times when I want to hear that song where I pick between the real video and that one right there.

  2. I'm really starting to like these wiggle mashup videos. This one is probably one of the best.

    I can't believe I still know the humpty dance song word for word.

  3. I just think Digital Underground is the perfect example of how to have a hip hop alterego... something that Eminem should have taken some notes about.

    Shock G was so good in both roles.

  4. They were certainly one of my favorite groups. I even liked some of the later albums.

    And you're right about Shock G. Some people never knew that he played Humpty Hump. That's what kills me.
