Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

~We've all talked to that annoying girl at the party that gets in your face and starts talking crap about nothing. This video sums up that encounter. However, what happens when you get in a relationship with that type of girl. This is what happens. The list is great.

~Last Saturday/Sunday morning, I was walking through the Highlands of Louisville. I generally like to watch the drunken people stumble along the sidewalks as I listen to my mp3 player. Well, some guy with a gas can came strolling up to me. “Hey, man, can’t I get some cash? My car run out of gas.” I shook my head and lied to him saying that I didn’t have any money. Yeah, it was a lie, but I just didn’t trust him. Here’s why: If you didn’t have any money, why would you leave the house without gas in your car? Something tells me he was pulling a hustle on some people. Besides, he just walked pass a gas station on the way to me. Why not ask people pulling up to pump gas? It is a shame you can’t trust people anymore.

~Some woman from work told me that I reminded her of the character House from the TV show House. I guess that was good thing, right? Okay, maybe not…

~MC has a post about Oprah's new network. If I remember correctly, she used to have another channel and it was Oxygen. Has anyone seen the mess that is on that channel now? They have reality shows that do more harm to the image of women than any Rap video or R-Jay sex tape. I'm serious. Take a look at the programs that are on the network now. I guess that's what you get when you sell that channel to NBC.

~Janice Dickinson: I have to say I have never seen anyone that seems to hate women more than Tom Leykis. She becomes hostile toward any woman that’s younger than her. Feeling a little threatened, Janice? But, I do like that she hates Tyra Banks. Banks probably has a bigger ego than Dickinson.

~I just got a new watch. It was only $12. Yep, I’m cheap. Hey, a watch is a watch.

~The Punisher, the newer movie, was just on FX. I still like this movie. It holds up pretty well. Why are they sort of re-booting the franchise with Punisher: War Zone? It has been said the new movie will have no connection to the first film. Why is that? I just don’t get these reboots sometimes. Okay, it worked for Batman Begins, but that’s because Batman & Robin was a complete piece of crap. You can’t go anywhere else after Batman on Ice.

However the 2004 version was a reboot of The Punisher (1989). So, I guess that argument is done.


  1. damn, i wish they'd make a movie about the Punisher: War Journals series of comics, instead of coming upo with crappy story lines like they do sometimes.

    I just started reading Marvel from the 60s, my friends dad has like every single comic ever digitized from his own collection, comic books ftw!

  2. Ammar: Yeah, i loved that list. Sadly I've seen some of my friends encounter women like that and have had some interesting stories to tell.

    blayde: Now, that's pretty neat. I heard the War Journal storylines were pretty good. I also heard there was a re-launch with the Punisher involving himself in the Marvel Civil War story. I want to get a hold of those.

    I heard the new movie will be loosely based on the War Zone storyline from the main line. We'll see.
