Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Hate List

5 People I currently hate

1. Jenna Jamerson: Does anyone remotely care about what this train wreck has to say? She was at the AVN awards and proclaimed that she's leaving the business. Sure she was attractive when she had some weight on her; she looked her best in Howard Stern's movie. Why do women have such a poor self-image of themselves? Be proud of your body. She heard some negative remarks that she was fat and started to loose the weight. I've always liked women with some a little weight on them. At the moment, Jenna has no weight. Does she think she's that important to the world? She was overrated anyway.

2. Britney Spears: Yep, she has a permanent place on my hate list. Instead of going to her important court date to get her kids back, she goes out and gets some food. Britney, it's time to give up your children, if you can't find time to even bother showing up for court. She’s lost her mind and someone needs to step up and get her treatment.

3. Bill Gates: When the HD DVD discs is about to fail now, Bill Gates makes one of the dumbest statements I've ever read. ((A: There has been a lot of back and forth. The announcement before that was Paramount putting exclusive support behind HD DVD. HD DVD did well over the holidays. The other trend we're seeing is that direct download over broadband — I think the greatest example of that is XBox Live — (is) becoming an important choice. Over time, that will be the dominant way that people get their movies." )) When asked about HD, he only talks about downloads. Great way to spin it, Bill. So, you're saying you basically undercut your own HD DVD format with XBOX live? Does that seem like a good business practice? This is spin, and no one calls him out on it. BTW, Bill is lying. Worldwide, HD DVD hasn’t sold that well.

4. Ryan Seacrest: I really don’t have a reason to put him on the list. He just pisses me off because people give him lots of money for doing nothing. Plus, he has an ego too.

5. Peter Hammond: This Maxim reviewer is that annoying guy that you see quoted on horrible movie posters and news ads. (Big Laughs, His best performance yet!) (Best one; A fiercely original shocker. (Alpha Dog)). I guess Maxim had enough of the bad press and fired his ass. Why would he change his quotes for the big studios? I’m glad people are seeing this guy for who he is, a ‘tool bag’.


  1. Paramount might use the "get out clause" to switch over to Blu-ray just like Warner bros did. I personally think it's craptastic that these companies are essentially taking away any other option for HD movies to be seen in whatever format we want.
    It's going to cost alot to get a blu-ray player in addition to all the other gizmos we already have...But then again I guess the Playstation 3 Might actually be purchased.

  2. I think the major problem is the fact the two camps (HD and Blue Ray) couldn't come to an agreement and make one format. Making one format would have saved people hundreds of dollars. They would used the money to promote why people need to switch to HD instead of competing against each other.

    This all comes down to a bunch of CEOs and managers too bullheaded to work together to make a better product. (Then there's that quote about Bill Gates undercutting his own format.)
