Thursday, January 17, 2008

Eddie Murphy again

Eddie Murphy: New Wife, New Wedding and New Divorce!

I guess she gave him a two weeks notice.

((Comic actor Eddie Murphy and his new wife Tracey Edmonds have split up just two weeks after their romantic wedding in French Polynesia, People magazine reported on Wednesday.))

Man, Eddie, that’s a quick turnaround. This could very well be a good script for your next movie. However, were they really married?

((Under U.S. law, the couple needed a ceremony on U.S. soil to make the marriage legal.))

Yep, I guess Eddie beat the bullet on this marriage. Listen, If I was Eddie, I’d never get married again. Why do that when you’re Eddie Murphy: The Star of Norbit? I would be in the clubs saying, “Hey, girl, I played that little dragon in Mulan and that Jackass in Shrek.”

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