Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Wesley Snipes Ran

I like Wesley Snipes, but it appears that he may very well end up in jail. However, watch him run away from the papparzzi. I think it's funny that he acts like a little kid. Too bad other stars can't have this type of fun.

While I don't think he should claim it is racism behind this whole thing, but he seems to be getting the brunt of the controversy. Just don't do one of those annoying Run OJ ads.

BTW, has anyone seen those info-commercials with him in it?


  1. I am still trying to get over the whole "Jan Adams is getting attacked in the media because their racist" thing.

  2. Yeah, that whole thing with Adams was stupid. I wish people would stop defending him and using that as an excuse

  3. It reminded of those times when I would race my friends and try to get a head start by doing what he did.

    I loved the old pretending this was my home trick he did in the video.
