Thursday, December 27, 2007

Random Bits

Freaks and Geeks crew
Most of these cast members have gone on to do bigger things

Random Bits

~Boh3m3 has some good points about cell phones. I finally caved in and got a cell phone and I still hate them. He also discusses the stupid idea about spinning rims on cars.

~I've been watching season 1 Heroes on DVD recently. I am really enjoying the series. Sure, the series is moving slow, but I like that about the show. Not sure which person is my favorite character yet.

~I also been watching Freaks and Geeks. This show is very well written and I could see this storyline working as a movie. Superbad does share some striking similarities to the show. (they are both produced by the same people).

~Here are a few deleted scenes from RoboCop 2: I can see why first few were deleted, but I like the last two scenes. Side Note: there are a few shots of a woman taking a shower in police locker room. Does this mean men and women can take showers in unisex bathrooms?

I need to re-rent this movie, because I think it got a bad rap back in the day.

~Here's Christopher Walken's Tooth Fairy 'speech'

~I discovered this fat guy doing an Ewok impression. Heck, he even does the walk. If he can do a Jar-Jar impression, I'd be very impressed.


  1. If you can, either track down the original, unrewritten RoboCop 2 script, or get the recent comic book series "Frank Miller's RoboCop 2" from Avatar Press. It's an adaptation of that original script. It's so, so much better than the movie they made.

  2. I try to find it. I got a few bookmarks where there are scripts archived, and I try to dig it up.

    Thanks for the heads up
