Monday, December 17, 2007

Random Bits

Random Bits

~On Sunday, I was in a hospital visiting a family member. I had only 2 hours of sleep. I roamed around the place like a zombie. I got strange looks from the Doctors and nurses. I guess they were wondering if I was on something. Anyway, I ended up sleeping in one of the lobbies like a homeless man. This was at 2 PM. BTW, there are certainly a lot of Unisex bathrooms in that place.

~At this point, why would anyone even want to marry Pam Anderson? I never found her that attractive. She's everything that is wrong with the misguided notion of female beauty. Her choice in men seems very flawed to me.

Kid Rock: Trailers and beer seem to keep this dirty hillbilly alive. What did she find special about him?

Tommy Lee: Dirty, but in an emo sort of way.

There were reports that she was thinking about divorcing sex tape man Rich Salomon. Again, why would you marry her? They've only been married since October. Is the divorce off? Did she force him to watch her DVD collection of VIP episodes?

~There is nothing like watching fat guys falling off their bikes.

This guy falls hard when he tries to make a jump: He makes the best sounds when he hits the ground. It sounds like a wounded moose.

In a bike race, someone decides to throw a stick in the wheels of this guy's bike: Great use of slow motion.

This guy nearly eats the bike with his stomach: Why does this guy look like Harry Knowles? Beware, man crack in this video. But if you're into that sort of thing, enjoy the ending.

~Well, this is certainly a way to get through a traffic jam...

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