Monday, December 03, 2007

Random Bits

A walking corpse and an out of touch 'reporter'. The expression on Imus' face is priceless. Only old age can give you that kind of expression. (I'm not looking forward to getting that old)

Random Bits

~I keep tripping over crap every time I wear these boots. They’re dress boots and I like them, but I tend to be shaky when wearing them. Is this like when the ladies wear the high hills?

~Don Imus is back on the air. Hopefully, that as of a producer is still out of a job, the person who egged him on. Be happy Imus fans, you have your mumbling old fart back on the air to bore you with tears. Enjoy.

~I guess Montel Williams didn’t really want to blow up a teenage intern student. When Montel isn’t yelling at high school students, he’s making apologies for threatening to ‘blow people up’. Does he have powers beyond a normal Jedi?

What the hell does this statement mean?

I'm a big star, and I can look you up, find where you live and blow you up!"

BTW, Montel, smooth move bringing your body guard along when you were making threats. It’s very P-Diddy of you.

~Useless info, here is a google map of U of L my current school.

______________________________________________________After many breasts implants and face lifts later, the Spice Girls are back. That's a hell of a comeback, considering their last album was like in 2000. Couldn't you all have waited like 20 years? Then again, that's another round of face lifts.

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