Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Pluto Lives

Save Pluto!


Even when I was a child, I remembered all the debates as to whether to call Pluto a planet or a moon, or something else. Some of my science teachers refused to call it a planet, but it has come under great debate recently. On digg.com, I came across this post about Pluto-huggers and found it amusing. (Paul mentioned this on his former blog). I guess I can throw my support to the Pluto-hugger party. (It's like the Ron Paul thing, Right?)

Some define a planet with their circular orbits and large masses, however Pluto has none of those. Pluto is like that little nerdy kid that no one wanted in the baseball game, but they were forced to pick him up to fill in their ranks.

You can check out more about this mistreated planet/rogue moon below.


I feel bad for little Pluto.

1 comment:

  1. So True! Give Pluto back to us!! They took away the brontosaurus already, saying it wasn't a real dinosaur! What's next; Rhode Island, The letter 'Q'? FREE PLUTO!!

    (inspired by Taylor Mali's poem, "Pizza")
